Brazilian Keratin Soft Liss Chocolate Kit 8oz.

  • USE: Professional
  • EFFECT: 4 to 5 months
  • RESTORATION LEVEL: 90% in each strand.
  • Recommended for mixed hair, dyes or coloring, with frizz

Brazilian Keratin hair Treatment Soft-Liss Progressive Blowdry Chocolate KIT – Contains softening agents, humidifiers, antioxidants and vitamins that intensely nourish your hair. It is rich in fatty acids that form a natural protective barrier over the strands of your hair, providing it with a deep conditioning, softness, better texture and less volume. Other products have also been carefully studied and found to hydrate and treat your hair for the most optimal results: straight hair that is both natural and well taken care of. The Soft LIss Chocolate Intelligent Blowdry Kit is composed of products that have been especially formulated for the treatment of your hair, such as keratin, cocoa, and other active ingredients. Keratin is responsible for the properties of fabrics and can be easily incorporated into the cuticle of your hair. The keratin assists in the restauration of regions of your hair that have been damaged due to break in the peptide chain, and restores SHINE, RESISTENCE, ELASTICITY, RESTAURANTION and HYDRATION of the strands. Keratin is often lost when hair is treated with an aggressive straightening process, dyed, or through other external agents, such as the sun or pool chlorine. The Soft LIss Chocolate Intelligent Blowdry Kit contains a high concentration of hydrolized keratin, which hydrates your hair and gives it shine.

Brazilian Keratin Soft Liss Chocolate Kit 8oz. Review

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