Revita.COR Hair Stimulating Conditioner

  • Uses state of the art technology to offer hair and scalp support with premium research grade ingredients
  • Optimises hair health benefits by using bio-adhesive, cationically charged microspheres that remain on scalp after showering
  • Deploys compounds with protective properties: apigenin, for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities; caffeine, to regulate testosterone; ginseng, which can prolong hair-follicle life; nano copper peptides, with tissue-remodeling capabilities; spin traps, with powerful antioxidant effects; and zinc, for the proper functioning of more than 300 enzymes.
  • Deploys compounds with nutritional properties: arginine, a precursor of nitric oxide; citrulline, an amino acid; inositol, a cyclic alcohol; lupine extract, rich in peptides; and tyrosine, known to increase plasma transmitter levels.
  • Deploys compounds for advanced conditioning: biotinyl tripeptide-1, a scalp-conditioning agent, and niacinamide, an aromatic compound.

Ultra-premium Revita.COR conditioner delivers state-of-the-science hair-stimulating technology. Building on the success of Revita shampoo, this biotechnology establishes a new benchmark for effective delivery of molecules to support hair growth. Key compounds deployed by Revita.COR — each proved in clinical trials — provide significant benefits against follicular dysfunction and in favor of scalp vitality. High-performance ingredients penetrate deeper and persist longer because they come encapsulated within hydrophobic, bio-adhesive, cationically charged microspheres. Less than a micron in diameter, the spheres deliver maximum benefits even while swimming or sweating. Because hair follicles maintain stem cells for tissue renewal, they normally display a robust capacity to perpetuate growth throughout our lifetimes. So Revita.COR contains botanical stem cells, which exhibit much of the same plasticity as human stem cells.

Revita.COR Hair Stimulating Conditioner Review

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